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These delicious no-bake treats are not only yummy, easy to make and vegetarian, they contain healthy fats, fibres and nutrients that make a tasty yet satiating and satisfying snack! Made with certified organic and gluten-free ingredients, dairy-free and egg-free. Enjoy from fridge or freezer.

Makes 16 squares

295g per bag


SKU : 501
Hors Taxe
  • Ingredients: Organic gluten-free rolled oats, Organic gluten-free shredded coconut, Organic gluten-free cranberries (organic cranberries, organic apple juice, organic sunflower oil (less than 1%)), Organic gluten-free walnuts, Organic gluten-free Canadian hemp seeds, Organic gluten-free sunflower seeds, Organic gluten-free sesame seeds, Spices, pumpkin pie spice.

    Contains: Sesame, Walnuts. May contain: Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Macadamia nuts, Oats, Peanuts , Pecans, Soy.

    Ingrédients: Flocons d'avoine biologiques sans gluten, Noix de coco râpée bio sans gluten, Canneberges biologiques sans gluten (canneberges biologiques, jus de pomme biologique, huile de tournesol biologique (moins de 1 %)), Noix biologiques sans gluten, Graines de chanvre canadien biologiques sans gluten, Graines de tournesol biologiques sans gluten, Graines de sésame biologiques sans gluten, Épices, assaisonnement pour tarte à la citrouille. Contient: Noix de grenoble, Sésame.

    Peut contenir: Amandes, Arachides, Avoine, Noisettes, Noix de cajou, Noix de macadamia, Noix du brésil, Pacanes, Soya.

Please contact us from the contact page. We cannot refund shipping costs but we will do our best to serve your specific needs & discuss options like a replacement or refund. We will ask for the batch number on the back of bag, & where circumstances require we may ask for a picture. Our goal is happy, healthy customers!

Dairy Free
Gluten Free
Egg Free
Small Batches
No Preservatives
GMO Free
Whole Foods
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