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Eat your oatmeal as a pancake! Made with certified organic and gluten-free ingredients, also dairy-free and egg-free. Get your fibre and feed your beneficial gut flora. The same great health benefits of oatmeal. These little flap jacks will fill you up and are a great way start to the day.

Tip: Try topping with melted frozen berries of choice and coconut yogurt for a healthier option.

Makes 16 pancakes

288g per bag


SKU : 401
Hors Taxe
  • Ingredients: Organic gluten-free oat flour, Gluten-free aluminum-free corn-free baking powder (cassava starch, sodium bicarbonate, monocalcium phosphate.), Gluten-free sea salt.

    Contains: Oats.

    May contain: Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Macadamia nuts, Peanuts , Pecans, Sesame, Soy, Walnuts.

    Ingrédients : Farine d'avoine biologique sans gluten, Poudre à pâte sans gluten et sans aluminium (amidon de manioc, bicarbonate de sodium, phosphate monocalcique.), Sel de mer sans gluten.

    Contient : Avoine.

    Peut contenir : Amandes, Arachides, Noisettes, Noix de cajou, Noix de grenoble, Noix de macadamia, Noix du brésil, Pacanes, Sésame, Soya.

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