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Oatmeal is a grain that can help support a healthy gut microbiome, bowel movements & stabilize blood sugar levels. It contains soluble fibre to help us poop regularly & non-soluble fibre that feeds the good bacteria in the gut. It contains beta glucans, which studies have consistently linked to healthier cholesterol levels, a reduced risk for diabetes & cardiovascular disease. Oats are also higher in protein than most other grains and contain essential vitamins and minerals such as our much needed B vitamins, manganese, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, zinc and more.


Millet is technically a seed but is considered by many to be a grain because it acts as a grain. It belongs to the Poaceae family, commonly known as the grass family and is gluten-free by nature. It's been grown & used in Africa & Southeast Asia for thousands of years. Millet is lower in simple carbohydrates & higher in complex carbohydrates. This makes it lower on the glycemic index as the fibre in the complex carbs slow down the digestion and absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. Millet is a source of Phosphorous, Potassium, Iron, zinc & Magnesium along with important B vitamins. It is also a prebiotic food feeding beneficial gut flora. 

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Cassava is actually a vegetable! Cassava flour is made from cassava tuber, a root vegetable native to South America. It is naturally gluten free & is quite high in vitamin C. It is high in carbohydrates but it is low on the glycemic index. This means that even though it is high in carbohydrates it will not spike your blood sugar leading to energy crashes. Tapioca flour & cassava flour are made from the same plant but different parts. Tapioca flour is the extracted starch of the cassava root & is bleached. Cassava flour is made by grating and drying the whole fibrous cassava root.


Brown rice flour is a high-fiber alternative to its white starchy cousins white rice flour and sweet rice flour. Brown rice flour is made by grinding the entire grain of the rice which means the beneficial fibre remains. The main health benefits of brown rice are derived from their phytochemicals (plant compounds) found within the bran layers of the grain. It contains B vitamins, manganese, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, zinc and more.

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Arrowroot flour may be a white starchy powder but it is so much more. Arrowroot powder is around 30% resistant starch with large amounts of insoluble fibre which slows the rate of glucose absorption into the bloodstream making it lower on the glycemic index and keeping you satiated longer. The resistant starch in arrowroot powder also helps in regulating bowel movements and is food for your beneficial intestinal bacteria. Arrowroot is a great source of some B vitamins especially B9 (folate). It also contains magnesium, potassium, iron, copper and more.


White rice is not as nutritious as brown rice (brown rice basically becomes white rice when the husk is removed), but it still contains some insoluble fibre and adds a lightness to baked goods. When mixed with more nutritious flours, even healthy fats and/or proteins, the problem with white rice spiking blood sugar is vastly reduced because there are other nutrients and fibre from other ingredients slowing down absorption. This versatile organic flour helps us create lighter, fluffier muffins and cookies.

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